IN REVIEW: Hark - "Crystalline"

Sometimes, an album floods me with feelings and inspires poetic passages to describe the way in which the band awakens feelings, urges, and desires in listeners like me. Other times, they just pummel my poor ears and brain until I submit.

Crystalline is one of the latter.

I could think of all kinds of fancy words and clever analogies to describe the kind of trip this album takes me on, especially considering all the sounds it reminds of. The harmonious shout vocals of mid-period Mastodon, the groove-heavy riffing of Clutch, the atmospheric crunch of Baroness, the mood setting dark detours of Tool; all are present and accounted for during the album's first three tracks.

Familiarity alone, however, doesn't make an awesome record. Some bands practice a near plagiarist form of flattery, which usually only serves to remind the listener how much better the bands they ape are. But HARK pays service to the aforementioned groups while letting their own identity shine through. They found a way to combine these diverse influences into something that rises above mere understudy.

Nowhere is this more apparent than on album closer Clear Light Of... Through its ten-plus minutes, the song changes direction on multiple occasions, boasting a particularly impressive mid-section that makes excellent use of guesting Clutch singer Neil Fallon. It's an absolutely massive ending to a massive album.

Honestly, when it's all said and done, I shouldn't need to write an essay explaining why you'll enjoy Crystalline. Suffice it to say that if Blood Mountain, Blast Tyrant, Blue Record and Undertow make your list of preferred albums, Crystalline may very well join them there after a few good, loud spins.

March 18, 2014 • Season of Mist
Highlights Hounded by Callous Decree • Black Hole South West • Clear Light of...


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