IN REVIEW: Twin Atlantic - "GLA"

After a debut EP nearly a decade ago that sounded like a cleaned-up Biffy Clyro, Twin Atlantic have slowly incorporated more and more pop sensibilities into their sound; Heart and Soul, lead single from their previous album in 2014, approached Def Leppard levels of bigchorusdom (yes, I just invented that word). Now, on their third album, they've taken it in the other direction; while there is still a fair amount of pop at the core of the songs, there's also a fair amount of snarl. The grooves are dirtier, the guitars more prone to attack, and Sam McTrusty even lets out some screams on opening rager Gold Elephant: Cherry Alligator. It's not night and day from their previous work, but Twin Atlantic prove on GLA that they've got more fire in their bellies than some would give them credit for.

September 9, 2016 • Red Bull
Highlights No Sleep • Overthinking • Whispers


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