IN REVIEW: Joyce Manor - "40 oz. to Fresno"


The sixth album by Joyce Manor finds the Californian power punk poppers entering their second decade as a band in much the same headspace as they've been in since their inception; while detours have been few and far between (2016's Cody a little grungier, 2018's Million Dollars to Kill Me a bit more melodic), Joyce Manor have gotten very good at what they do, which is offer up quick and easy slices of anxiety-ridden rock for a generation of fans with shrinking attention spans.

Indeed, 40 oz. to Fresno continues Joyce Manor's streak of short, sweet albums; including the new one, their entire six album discography can be consumed in under two hours. There's a built-in old man yelling at cloud diatribe that comes with the slightness of Joyce Manor's records, but I have to acknowledge that issuing albums in the twenty minute range (40 oz. to Fresno has nine songs and runs about seventeen minutes, only two of which crack the two minute mark) is probably the smartest move a band can make in the age of stream, consume, move on. Rather than bellyache about the economics of paying X dollars for 17 minutes of music, I'll instead tip my hat to them, because they're going to make more streaming dollars pennies since fans can listen to an entire album of songs in less time than it takes to spin Shine On You Crazy Diamond.

Anyway, having established that nearly everything you know and love about Joyce Manor is intact here (including, as I mentioned on reviews of both their previous records, an increased maturity that comes with age and experience), I'm not entirely sure what I can actually say in regards to the music itself. If you've enjoyed them in the past, this one doesn't colour too far outside the lines. If you're not familiar with them, 40 oz. to Fresno isn't the best nor worst place to start your exploration; personally, I'd recommending starting with 2014's Never Hungover Again. No matter what you choose, though, rest assured that Joyce Manor is highly unlikely to waste your time.

June 10, 2022 • Epitaph
Highlights You're Not Famous Anymore • Gotta Let It Go • Dance With Me


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