IN REVIEW: Cancer Bats - "The Spark That Moves"

Surprise released on April 20 (I know, I'm behind on this one), Cancer Bats' sixth album is their first release on Batskull (their own label), and finds the Canuck hardcore headbangers pressing the reset button in some ways. After moving ever so subtly toward a more accessible and diverse sound over the course of previous albums, The Spark That Moves is laser focused on loud and heavy.

Crafting a record like this is can be a dangerous proposition, as it can feel like a reversion to old sounds as a safety net. Longtime fans will understand, however, that safety isn't job one with this band; that said, there are some melodic moments to be heard. The thing is, they're tucked in among some of the band's most aggressive material to date; when you get a minute to breathe (or, in the case of Fear Will Kill Us All's soft piano intro, 13 seconds), rest assured that it won't be long before you're thrust back into the fray.

As a return to roots, then, The Spark That Moves isn't as contrived as one might think. There are lots of valuable lessons to be learned from being a hard touring band such as this for over a decade, and Cancer Bats are too talented and established now to produce something as raw and thrilling as their debut; still, The Spark That Moves is an incredible reintroduction, a reminder of the damage this band is capable of when they're firing on all cylinders as they are here.

April 20, 2018 • Batskull/New Damage
Highlights Brightest Days • Bed of Nails • Winterpeg


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