Hear Me Out: Why Do A Greatest Hits Album?

So, Silversun Pickups announced a "singles collection" today. Now, I'm no expert on "singles" or "hits" compilations; even so, I've got to say this announcement threw me for a loop for a couple of reasons. For starters, isn't it a bit early for a band like Silversun Pickups to be given the "greatest hits" treatment? I know, I know, it's a "singles collection". But, come on; it looks like a greatest hits album, it smells like a greatest hits album, so on so forth.

More importantly, though, are these really necessary entities in 2014? I mean, who is this album for? Casual fans who've already downloaded the singles they like or established fans who are expected to shill out $15 for one new song?

Listen to Silversun Pickups' newest single and read about the collection at Rolling Stone.

Granted, Cannibal is a pretty good song. But I'm certainly not forking out 100% album price for the sake of the 9% of it I don't already own. I'd venture likewise for the casual observer who likes Lazy Eye and Panic Switch when they play on the radio. If you can't convince them to seek out a few more tunes on YouTube, then how the hell do you expect to coerce cash money out of them?

I might seem a little cynical here; but, really, in this day and age, who is a greatest hits album even for? The last one I even considered was Seether's in the fall, and only because I have a tolerance for some of their singles but don't own any of their albums (plus, I dug their Veruca Salt cover). In the end I decided it wasn't a necessary purchase, on the grounds that if I didn't care enough about them to own their albums then I probably wouldn't be buying their hits album for any reason other than to skim through once and have it take up space on the shelf.

And, back to the original point; as inconsequential as these compilations are these days, it's even more pointless when they're being released for bands who don't really deserve them. Don't get me wrong, I like Silversun Pickups just fine, but they haven't built up enough of a back catalogue to warrant this. Three albums and an EP do not a career make. I used to subscribe to the "five album rule", wherein if you hadn't put out at least five albums you shouldn't release a hits comp. These days, I've even thrown that out due to the general uselessness of compilations in the days of rampant downloading and streaming. Realistically, anyone who wants (any band here)'s greatest hits has already gotten them via a playlist or burned CD.

Which leaves one last, very telling, explanation. In the article posted above covering SSPU's forthcoming collection, it's said the release allows the band to "close out their ten-year run with Dangerbird Records".

Ah, there it is. The old "contractual obligation" release. If (I presume) this singles collection technically counts as an album and fulfills the band's contract with the label, it gives them an out without going about the pesky task of actually making another studio album. Could be that Silversun Pickups are eager to start their own label, or sign a more lucrative contract with another label, and this gives them the freedom to get out from under the current contract without wasting any more than the minimum required amount of intellectual property. One new song, here you go guys, it's been a slice.

Still, it's hard not to look at this example and wonder what gives; I would think they could have just as easily compiled B-sides and unreleased tracks alongside the new song and had it count just the same. And, having only purchased their EP and albums, I'd have bought that because I didn't already own most of the songs. But, I suppose, they like their chances less with dedicated fans and more with casual listeners who don't have internet.

If you're interested in proving me wrong on this, The Singles Collection is out February 25. As for the lone new song, you can download Cannibal on iTunes as of Monday.


  1. I Sorta felt this way when i saw The Killers "Direct hits". Even though they have a ton of good songs and have been making albums like 9 years prior too the best of, I still didn't think it was a nesessary move. Silversun pickups is twice as rediculous as that.


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