A Momentary Interruption

We'll get back to Year in Rock 2013 tomorrow, but I felt the need to commemorate what I feel is an insane accomplishment for this tiny, poorly maintained blog (especially since I missed visit #10000 in the stampede for the Arctic Monkeys stream back in September).

I don't even know what to say; when I started this thing just over 2 years ago,I couldn't fathom ever accumulating 5000 views, let alone triple that. Somehow, someway, people have found this place and (I can hope and/or assume) have come back despite the guy running it not having all that much of interest to say.

Regardless, I do hope you've enjoyed what you've seen, and I have equal hope that you'll continue to do so in the months/years ahead. This has always been a really fun way for me to spend my spare time, and that someone presumably appreciates what I'm doing fills me to the brim with pride.

With that said, if you're a regular you've likely noticed the changes. With the addition of a Sound Bites Twitter account and its accompanying sidebar, I'm now able to issue minor updates much faster than blogging. When it comes to blog posts, they'll keep coming. The Rapid Fire Reviews sidebar is confirmed to be outta there in 2014; as new albums are heard and absorbed, they'll get their own dedicated posts to allow for longer reviews (not to mention permanent homes on the site as opposed to dropping off when the sidebar gets too long). I'm sure we'll see more Hear Me Out segments, hopefully with a little more frequency.

As for streams, they'll likely be relegated to retweet status in most cases, as often times their blog posts have come with a mini-review in the past. Besides, once a stream is over I'm left with a dead blog post in most cases.

One of the biggest changes under consideration is the discontinuing of the Facebook group. I'm thankful for those who have "liked" Sound Bites on Facebook, but I think it'll be much easier for all of us if we move forward on Twitter. But, I won't make that decision without some thought, so if you don't want to see that part of it go just give me a shout on the Facebook page.

Again, THANK YOU for visiting; it really means a lot to be able to call Sound Bites a success.



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