Year in Rock 2013 Nominee: Tribes

From: Wish To Scream
Released: May 20

Sometimes, I wish it were still the 90's; to have my youth back would be awesome, and it'd be great if the music I grew up with still dominated the airwaves (not to mention MuchMusic and MTV still playing videos). But then, I consider Tribes. You see, Tribes' sophomore album Wish To Scream still hasn't seen an official release in North America; however, thanks to the age we live in, I get to hear the world's music at my slightest whim. A whim led me to this song, easily one of the best you won't hear on your local radio station unless you're from the UK. P.S. If you're from the UK, please buy me a plane ticket; I need to check up on my ancestors and buy records from your finest shops.


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